Omics datasets are large and can seem overwhelming. Bringing a project through the data acquisition phase can be quite expensive. Therefore, you want to extract as much value from these data as you can. Furthermore, communicating relevant features in high-quality reports and manuscripts is essential. Each study is unique in its data and goals and deserves individual, custom attention. We at Nelson Scientific Labs are keenly focused on these phases of systems biology projects and are particularly eager to help bring your study to fruition.

Q: I think my project could include some omics technology. Can you help me determine if this is the case and in which direction I should proceed?

Absolutely. We will ask you several questions about your hypothesis, project, and infrastructure and then advise you on how omics may fit into your program.

Q: Can you execute an entire omics study for me?

We can complete all steps of an omics study from collecting biological sample through communicating the results in manuscript form. You will still need to complete your wet lab steps with your biological model(s), at which point we can enter and either advise or assist in sample collection.

Q: I only need help with developing a project plan for a grant. Can we have a conversation about that?

Of course. Sometimes all you may need is a phone call or teleconference, and we're happy to help you in this way.

Q: Are you strictly a service lab or do you also conduct your own research?

We do both. We currently have several ongoing, federally funded research projects with collaborators across the country. We also advise on external projects on almost a daily basis.
